Monday, July 16, 2012

A Quad-Core Computer for $130

The other day I was checking out one of my favorite tech blogs, ! ComeAtMeBro-Daily tech news, and came across a post that I just had to share. I don't want to jack the content so I'm just going to post a pic and the link. You should definitely go check it out though. I can easily think of over 9,000 DIY projects I could do with one of these things.

Quad-Core Computer for $130!
Quad-Core Computer for $130!

To check out the article either click on the photos or this link to go straight to the blog.


  1. nice share
    going to check it

  2. Okay that is pretty damn cool. It would be fun to mess around with one of those things.

  3. Ah, good ol' Raspberry Pi. Lovely little thing it is, that's for sure! I may or may not be getting one of these for a custom build one of these days, depending on how flat I can get stuff without resorting to one of these.

  4. No way. Thanks, put the pic is enough for me.
