Wednesday, September 22, 2010

It's... It's.... It's GLORIOUS! (NERF Guns FTW!)

I am just old enough to remember the first NERF guns. They had a range of about 4 feet so the combat options were limited. I admit that over the years I have lost interest in NERF guns. I got older and started getting interested in real guns so, yeah. Well, it would appear that the NERF gun community has continued to flourish. I came across this earlier while surfing ThinkGeek:

(Click image for more info)

This monstrosity of awesomeness is the NERF Longstrike Sniper Rifle. Length? 36". Range? 35 feet. It comes with a six round quick-change clip. Close-combat NERF attacks are a thing of the past. Grab a couple extra clips, find yourself a nice hide, and start sniping.

One thing is for damn sure; if I woulda had this back in the day that bastard Derreck Longman woulda been fucked!


  1. Whoa these things really have advanced, cool.

  2. i always see amazing toys now that i'm grown up, and get jealous we didn't have them when we were kids! ;)

  3. Oh wow. I remembjer these things. Never anything as high tier as this thoughhh.

  4. toys where better 10 years ago :(
    cartoons too :(
    everything :(

  5. Yeah, they got pretty crazy. The nerf swords hurt like hell too.

  6. god. Do NEED!

    Does it come with a bright orange and blue ghillie suit?

  7. Showing the daily love!

    Check out both my blogs as well as Blong!

  8. "SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND!" The best liner when whippin that gun out!

    Well, except it's a sniper..

  9. In a couple of years they will shoot lazors!!!1!

  10. Nerf, that brings back memories :D Following!

  11. Do want. I love playing with nerf guns when I was younger.

  12. I really wish these were around when i was young, we only had those weak ones!

  13. We use these to chase possums and feral cats away from the yard.

  14. I need that! Where can I get one?

  15. I like the ones with suction cups on the end that will stick to someones glasses.

  16. Awesome post! keep up the good work...

  17. lol its ok. ive seen better. added. add me back.

  18. My little brother has that. awesome

  19. whoa, nice, I'll be waiting for (hopefully) an elephant gun version for nerf

  20. Holy...I got a longshot a few days ago.I perfer the longstrike. The longstrike is a little shorter and has more of an assault rifle feel to it.Though the longstrike fires much farther than the longshot so you don't have to mod it as much. ;)

  21. "Range? 35 feet." Oh exploitable.

  22. I do want this thing!!!!
    sadly this comes too late for my childhood.


  23. yesss I found my old toy gun that looks similar to that =D

  24. Holy shit, that thing looks awesome. Toys were never that cool when I was a kid.

  25. That looks awesome! Need to get me one of those.

  26. Looks sick as fuck. My friends and I used to have Nerf wars all the time. Across living rooms, with couches as forts and all that. So much fun. Especially considering that this was only like 2 years ago.

    The Mavericks are where it's at, bro. Dual wielding Mavericks is how I roll.

  27. Oh I am so getting this when I have the extra money for it. It'll be hilarious to fire at the cats when they're trying to eat and see how high they get.

  28. I remember having a couple nerf guns as a kid. The suction cups kept coming unglued from the tips of the darts. :(
